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Download tiktok by link

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If the script does not do that visit TikTokApi’s GitHub page your issue most likely will be already solved in the closed issues section, just search for any errors you may be getting.

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Run your python script, hopefully it will output data in a python dictionary format. from TikTokApi import TikTokApi import string import random did=''.join(random.choice(string.digits) for num in range(19)) verifyFp="verify_YOUR_VERIFYFP_HERE" api = TikTokApi.get_instance(custom_verifyFp=verifyFp, custom_did=did) print(api.trending()) Type the following into your python script. We will be testing to make sure we are able to retrieve TikTok data from python. Let’s create a new python file and call it whatever you would like.

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